Instructor: Hasan A. Poonawala
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA
Equality Constraints
Inequality Constraints
KKT Conditions
General nonlinear programming problems are of the form
Consider all differentiable curves on passing through a point . The tangent plane at of is defined as the collection of the derivatives at of all these differentiable curves.
If is a regular point (to be defined) then we can make the following identification:
Another way: the tangent plane to is the set of all directions that are neither strict increase or strict decrease directions for
Definition (Regular Point)
A point satisfying the constraint is said to be a regular point of the constraint if the gradient vectors are linearly independent.
Let be a regular point of the constraints and a local extremum point of subject to these constraints. Then for all , we have
Let and let such that and for for some .
Since is a constrained local minimum point of , we have
This lemma says that .
Theorem (FONC)
Let be a regular local minimum point of subject to the constraint . Then there is a such that
From the lemma, we may conclude that the linear system
has no feasible solution . Then, by Farkasโs lemma, its alternative system must have a solution. Specifically, there is a such that .
The FONC Equation 1 together with the constraints give a total of equations in the variables comprising .
The first-order necessary conditions are sufficient if is convex and is affine.
The statements of various conditions often require that be a regular point1.
This requirement is known as a constraint qualification.
To see why constraint qualifications are important, consider the problem
The only feasible point is , so that is the (global) minimizer.
However, , and . cannot satisfy the FONC!
The Lagrange multipliers associated with a constrained minimization problem have an interpretation as prices, similar to the prices in LP.
Let a minimal solution be a regular point and be the corresponding Lagrange multiplier vector. Consider the family of problems
Sensitivity Theorem
Consider the family of problems Equation 4. Suppose that for every in a region containing , its minimizer is continuously differentiable depending on . Let with the corresponding Lagrange multiplier . Then
Sensitivity Theorem
Consider the family of problems Equation 4. Suppose that for every in a region containing , its minimizer is continuously differentiable depending on . Let with the corresponding Lagrange multiplier . Then
Using the chain rule and taking derivatives with respect to on both sides of
at , we have
On the other hand, using the chain rule and the first-order condition for and the above matrix equality
Theorem (Farkasโs Lemma).
Let be an matrix and be an -vector. The system of constraints has a feasible solution if and only if the system of constraints has no feasible solution . Therefore a single feasible solution for system Equation 6 establishes an infeasibility certificate for the system Equation 5.
Example 1
Suppose . Then, is feasible for system Equation 6, which proves that the system Equation 5 is infeasible.
Let be the cone generated by the columns of matrix , that is Then C is a closed and convex set.
Proof (of Farkasโs Lemma).
Let the system Equation 5 have a feasible solution, say . Then, the system Equation 6 must be infeasible, since, otherwise, we have a contradiction
from and .
Now, let the system Equation 5 have no feasible solution, that is, . We now prove that its alternative system Equation 6 must have a feasible solution.
Since points is not in and is a closed convex set, by the separating hyperplane theorem, there is a such that But we know that for some , so we have Setting , we have from inequality Equation 7.
Proof (of Farkasโs Lemma) - Continued -
Furthermore, inequality Equation 7 also implies . Since otherwise, say the first entry of , , is positive. We can then choose a vector such that
Then, from this choice, we have
This tends to as . This is a contradiction because should be bounded from above by inequality Equation 7. Therefore, identified in the separating hyperplane theorem is a feasible solution to system Equation 6. Finally, we can always scale such that .
Geometric Interpretation
If is not in the closed and convex cone generated by the columns of the matrix , then there must be a hyperplane separating and the cone, and the feasible solution to the alternative system is the slope-vector of the hyperplane.
Let be an matrix and an -vector. The system of constraints
has a feasible solution if and only if the system of constraints
has no feasible solution . Therefore a single feasible solution for system Equation 9 establishes an infeasibility certificate for the system Equation 8.
Theorem (SONC)
Suppose that is a regular local minimum of subject to . Then there is a such that If we denote by , the tangent plane, then the matrix on , that is, , .
From elementary calculus for every twice differentiable curve through we have Furthermore, differentiating the relation twice, we obtain Additing these two equations yields the result Since is arbitrary in , we have the stated conclusion.
Theorem (SOSC)
Suppose there is a point satisfying , and a such that Equation 10 holds. Suppose also that the matrix on . Then is a strict local minimum of subject to .
If is not a strict relative minimum point, a sequence of feasible points converging to s.t. for each , . Write , where and , . By Bolzano-Weierstrass some subsequence of converges. WLOG assume . We also have which implies . We have
Multiply Equation 12 by and add to Equation 13 to obtain
Consider the problem
The Lagrangian and subsection FONC would be
From the two equations we conclude , together with .
We have the two first-order stationary solutions
The Lagrangian Hessian matrix at these s becomes
Generally: . Solve for given .
with one solution , , , .
and the corresponding subspace is
In this case is the subspace spanned by the standard bases and of .
Therefore the restriction of is computed to be
Alternatively, we can construct matrices and determinants of order rather than .
For simplicity, let , which has full row rank.
Any satisfying can be expressed as
is the so-called projection matrix onto the nullspace of (i.e. onto )
Projected Hessian Test
The matrix is positive definite on iff the projected Hessian matrix to is positive semidefinite with rank .
In the previous example we had . Hence
Definition (relative minimum or local minimum).
A point is said to be a relative minimum point of over if such that for all within a distance of .
Definition (global minimum).
A point is said to be a global minimum point of over if for all .
Feasible direction
Given we say that a vector is a feasible direction at if there is an such that for all with .
Descent direction
An element of the set of directions with the property is called a descent direction.
If , then there is such that for all with . The direction is the steepest descent one.
Let be a point satisfying the constraints
and let be the set of indices for which . Then is said to be a regular point of the constraints Equation 14 if the gradient vectors , , , are linearly independent.
Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) Conditions
Let be a relative minimum point for the problem
and suppose is a regular point for the constraints. Then there is a vector and a vector with such that
Since and , the second of Equation 16 is equivalent to the statement that a component of may be nonzero only if the corresponding constraint is active. This is a complementary slackness condition studied in LP, which states that implies and implies .
Since is a relative minimum point over the constraint set, it is also a relative minimum over the subset of that set defined by setting the active constraints to zero. Thus, for the resulting equality constrained problem, defined in a nbhd. of , there are Lagrange multipliers. Therefore, we conclude that first of Equation 16 holds with if .
It remains to be shown that . Suppose for some . Let and be the surface and the tangent plane, resp., defined by all other active constraints at . By the regularity assumption, there is a such that , that is, and for all but , and . Multiplying this from the right to the first of Equation 16, we have
which implies that is a descent direction for the objective function.
Let with and . Then for small , is feasible โ it remains on the surface of and because (that is, constrant becomes inactive). But
which contradicts the minimality of .
Introduce the Lagrangian associated with the problem, defined as
First-Order Necessary Conditions
The Lagrangian and the (LDC) conditions are
and the (CSC) condition is .
If is convex and is affine , and are concave functions, then is convex in for every fixed and .
Therefore if meets the first of Equation 16, then is the global minimizer of the unconstrained with the same and .
The FONC are sufficient if is convex, is affine, and is concave for all .
Let be any feasible solution and , together with and satisfy the FONC. Then we have
which completes the proof.
Suppose is a regular point of the constraints. If is a relative minimum point for the problem Equation 15, then there is a , , such that Equation 16 hold and such that is positive semidefinite on the tangent subspace of the active constraints in .
Sufficient conditions that a point satisfying Equation 14 be a strict relative point of the problem Equation 15 is that there exist , such that
and the Hessian matrix
is positive definite on the subspace
where .
Sensitivity Theorem
Consider the family of problems
Suppose that for , , there is a local solution that is a regular point and that together with the associated Lagrange multipliers, , satisfies the SOSC for a strict local minimum. Assume further that no active inequality constraints is degenerate.
Then for every in a region containing , there is a solution , depending continuously on , such that and is a relative minimum of Equation 19. Furthermore
Optimization problem
First-Order Conditions
(MSC): .
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