Training Classifiers For Feedback Control With Safety In Mind

  • Authors: Poonawala, H.A.; Lauffer, N.;Topcu, U.;
  • Venue: Automatica
  • Year: 2021
  • Reviewed by: Hasan Poonawala, reviewer no. 2, reviewer no. 3,

Broad area/overview

This paper deals with controlling mobile robots directly from sensor data or measurements. It uses tools from supervised machine learning to learn these controllers from data, and Lyapunov-based methods to analyze the correctness of these learned controllers.


  • \(x\): state, \(X\): State space

  • \(y\): measurement, \(Y\): Measurement Space

  • Controller \(u = g(y)\)

  • \(L\): Set of labels

  • \(C_X \colon X \to L\): Classifier in state space

  • \(C_Y \colon Y \to L\): Classifier in measurement space

  • \(V\): Lyapunov function

  • \(W\): set of hyperplanes that parametrizes \(C_X\)

  • \(W^\Delta\): set of hyperplanes that parametrizes a robust version of \(C_X\)

Specific Problem

Instead of estimating the state of the system for feedback control of the form \(u = k(x)\), the approach tries to classify measurements into classes that indicate the control to be used. The control design problem becomes a classifier design problem, often solved using supervised machine learning.

Supervised machine learning uses generalization error to evaluate the learning, where the error is related to a loss function. For control systems, we evaluate controllers based on closed-loop stability and behavior. The paper formulates a supervised learning problem where the closed-loop stability properties also affect the learning.

Solution Ideas

  • The paper distinguishes between the measurement space \(Y\) and the state space \(X\) of the dynamical system being controlled. It assumes that there is a relationship \(Y = \mathcal H(x)\), which is unknown but implictly captured by data comprising pairs of states ann measurements in those states. For example, the camera image a robot gets when it is some position and heading in a room.

  • The classifier \(C_X\) it learns is parametrized by a collection of hyperplanes \(W\), that divides the state space into polyhedral regions. In effect, multiple binary classifiers are combined to get a multi-label classifier.

  • Given this division of the state space \(X\), they parametrize a piecewise Linear Lyapunov function \(V\), and formulate stability conditions for the pieces.

  • Using some mathematical results, these stability conditions become constraints on the the classifier hyperplanes \(W\) and the Lyapunov function \(V\).

  • The constraints define an optimization problem, so that they can be combined with the supervised learning constraints to create a single optimization problem.

  • If the solution has a certain value, then the controller design is correct in the state space.

  • The classifier \(C_X\) designed in state-space needs to be converted into a classifier \(C_Y\) of measurements, which is done using another supervised learning problem

  • Since this transformation is imperfect, the authors account for potential inaccuracies by solving a robust version of the optimization problem to train \(W^\Delta\).


  • The paper focuses on a single example of a path-following robot.

  • For this method to work, we must know the state space dynamics and also have data that describes measurements obtained in a state. Both assumptions are impractical.

  • The paper casts training as a bilinear optimization problem, which are often unreliable to solve. It's not clear if the optimization will succeed in other problems.

  • The piecewise approach might be impractical in high dimensional systems

Recent Papers

Note: This section makes more sense for papers published 1-2 years ago or earlier, unlike this paper that is still in press.

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