Robot Modeling Control

Full Syllabus: pdf

Course Notes: link

Course Information

Instructor: Hasan A. Poonawala

Time: Tue & Thurs 11:00 am - 12:15 pm

In-person: RMB 309

Course Description

This course covers the fundamentals of robot dynamics and motion control. We focus on two broad types of motion control problems: trajectory tracking in free space, and contact-rich manipulation. Students will see a broad range of approaches to solving these two problems, with a deeper study of state-of-the-art approaches through class discussions and project work. Throughout the course, we view these fundamentals in the context of applications such as quadrotor control, legged locomotion, and robot manipulation.

The course also introduces algorithms relevant to practical robotics: path planning (RRT\(^*\)), Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), and robot perception using Deep Learning.

Throughout the course, students will use simulations to apply the concepts they are learning. Students may use any language and simulation environment, which often include pre-existing packages for robotics. Examples include Matlab, ROS, Gazebo, PyBullet, MuJoCo, and JuliaRobotics.