Tags: ekf, robotics, probabilistic_roadmap_approach, motioncapture, optimality, trajectory_generation, pid, machine_learning, humanoid, trajectory, exoskeleton, reviews, feasibility, dynamic_modeling, nearal_network, human_arm_movement_primitives, analysis, actuation, quality, variable_joint_stiffness, system_identification_fixed_wing_uav, motion_planning, nonlinear, singlelink, collaboration, robotic_manipulators, system_identification_stable_manifold, learning, manipulators, reinforcement, human-like_robot_arms, initial_conditions, design, task_planning, kinematics, feedback_linearization, state_estimation, graphical_model, biped, snake_robot, dynamics, human-like_robot_arm, bipedal_walking, path_planning, rrts, impedance_control, spong, control, motion_control, industrial_robot, rrt, push_recover, mechatronics, human-robot_collaboration, human-robot_interaction, baysian_framework, optimization, slam, system_identification_neural_networks, performance, biomechanics, handover,- On the PID tracking control of robot manipulators
- Design of a Modular Snake Robot
- Determination of the flight dynamic envelop via stable manifold
- Broad area/overview
- The Grasp Strategy of a Robot Passer Influences Performance and Quality of the Robot-Human Object Handover
- Demonstration-Guided Motion Planning
- Personalized Kinematics for Human-Robot Collaborative Manipulation
- Hybrid Zero Dynamics of Planar Biped Walkers
- Biomechanical Design of the Berkeley Lower Extremety Exoskeleton (BLEEX)
- Training Classifiers For Feedback Control With Safety In Mind
- Fast Iterative Alignment of Pose Graphs with Poor Initial Estimates
- Neural Network Based Reinforcement Learning for Audio-Visual Gaze Control in Human-Robot Interaction
- A Prototype of an Autonomous Controller for a Quadrotor UAV
- Consensus and Cooperation in Networked Multi-Agent Systems
- Continuous Control With Deep Reinforcement Learning
- On the Feedback Linearization of Robots with Variable Joint Stiffness
- Real-time estimation of impaired aircraft flight envelop using feedforward neural networks
- Compliance and Force Control for Computer Controlled Manipulators
- Nonlinear Control Techniques For Flexible Joint Manipulators: A Single Link Case Study
- Trajectory Generation and Control for preceise aggressive maneuvers with quadrotors
- Relative End-Effector Control Using Cartesian Position Based Visual Servoing
- Modelling and Control of Formation of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots
- The DLR Lightweight Robot – Design and Control Concepts for Robots in Human Environments
- Automatic LQR tuning based on Gaussian process global optimization
- Visual Odometry for Ground Based Vehicle Applications
- Experimental Evaluation of Feedforward and Computed Torque Control
- Incremental Sampling-based Algorithms for Optimal Motion Planning
- Series Elastic Actuators
- Consistency of the EKF-SLAM Algorithm